Oil Spill Response

Saltwave Limited is the largest facility in Malta offering oil spill response on a 24 hours a day, 365 days per year basis for Tier 1 and Tier 2 spills. We offer an immediate response with one call.

The outcome of any oil pollution response incident depends primarily on a rapid and well-structured crisis management team. With the right skillset and oil spill response equipment we can handle oil spill incidents both in port and offshore. Our oil spill equipment includes skimmers, , inshore and offshore oil booms, pumps, generators, industrial vacuums, specialized vehicles,  oil spill response vessels, different portable storage systems, a stockpile of consumables etc.

Our people are professionals in their respective fields – highly experienced and qualified in the key disciplines required for oil spill preparedness and response.

Our Services include:

  • Tier 1 / Tier 2 oil spill response service agreements
  • Oil Spill Response drills and exercises
  • Preparation and assessment of response contingency plans and procedures for port terminals, fish farms and marinas
  • Oil spill response incident management advisory services
  • Shoreline and beach clean-up projects
  • Environmental Protection during ship to ship operations
  • Equipment Hire
  • Maintenance of customer-owned oil spill response equipment

Oil Spill Drill